Board meeting, August 6th, 2001


  • Not registered


  1. Approve meeting minutes from July 10 Board meeting (Ean)
  2. Treasurer report (Scott)
  3. Membership report (Nils)
  4. OS ctte report (Ean)
  5. LinuxPPC update (Wichert)
  6. SPI lawyer situation (Nils, Ean, Ben, Chris)
  7. Set date for the next board meeting
  8. Miscellaneous


The following minutes were adopted (as written at the time) by the Board of Directors on September 7th, 2004:


Ean commits to get the remainder of the last meeting's minutes transcribed.

Discussion about the treasurer position

CQ to call Scott and see if he is able to fulfill the duties of the position.


Current problems center around bandwidth costs.

Partial work to create a LinuxPPC non-profit is already complete.

Should he make his own non-profit or make it part of SPI.

Making another sounds like a duplication of effort.

Need SPI to pay for a $1300.00 per month T1.

SPI would help PPC get sales through ThinkGeek, etc. and hold a portion of the profits until needed by the project.

Jeff Carr would also transfer the debianppc. and linuxgnu. domains.

No desire to stay in the dist business.

Would disband the existing LinuxPPC business when assets are moved to SPI.

MOTION CARRIES: SPI will proceed with LinuxPCC integration as an SPI affiliated project and work with Jeff Carr on this.

Membership Committee

Slight changes in wording to Resolution giving the board the ability to remove members or disband the committee.

MOTION CARRIES: Adopt Resolution with changes (with recommendation by Branden Robinson).

MOTION CARRIES: Nils and Martin Michlmayr (who's said he wants to do it already) be the ctte for now and start getting the membership as soon as the pages are completed. (with recommendation by Branden Robinson)

OpenSource committee

Ean Schuessler posts a link to a partially complete OS situation summary.

Ean invites anyone willing to help with the document to do so.

MOTION CARRIES: unclean will work out a proposal including letters he would like to sent so that can be discussed at the next SPI board meeting. If he does not have them by them we will proceed with option b, which is transfer the domains and publicly state why we do that (give up on open source et al) (with recommendation by Branden Robinson).

SPI lawyer situation


Chris Rourk had not received the crypto-in-main document from HP and it was mailed to him.

There was a great deal of discussion about the dangers of prosecution.

Voting deferred until the next meeting.

Domain transfers

MOTION CARRIES: Transfer SPI domains from NSI to OpenSRS.

DMCA report

Chris Rourk had no progress to report about the DMCA.

Branden Robinson suggested talking to Rick Boucher D-VA.

Next Meeting

Discussed having the next meeting on September 17th or 24th.

Ean Schuessler requested 17th.