Board meeting, June 13th, 2013

Board members present

  • Michael Schultheiss (schultmc) (Treasurer)
  • Jonathan McDowell (Noodles) (Secretary)
  • Clint Adams (Clint)
  • Robert Brockway (Solver)
  • Joshua D. Drake (linuxpoet)
  • Jimmy Kaplowitz (Hydroxide)

Board members partially present

  • None

Board members absent with regrets

  • Joerg Jaspert (Ganneff) (Vice President)
  • Martin Zobel-Helas (zobel)

Board members absent

  • Bdale Garbee (bdale) (President)

Board advisors present

  • None

Registered guests present

  • Bill Allombert (yp17)
  • Lucas Nussbaum (lucas)
  • Kåre Thor Olsen (Kaare)

These are the minutes for the June 13th, 2013 SPI Board Meeting, held at 20:00 UTC in #spi on LOG.

President's Report

Bdale was not able to be present at the meeting.

Treasurer's report

This report uses a cash-based method of accounting, recording donations
when deposited (not when the check was written or received by us) and
recording expenses when sent or scheduled for payment (not when

Income Statement
for the Period May 01, 2013 - May 31, 2013

   Ordinary Income
        0 A.D.                              88.00
        Arch Linux                         304.00
        Debian                           2,057.57
        Drizzle                              5.00
        FFmpeg                             122.00                     27.00
        FreedomBox Foundation                2.00
        Gallery                             32.00
        GNU TeXmacs                          2.00
        Jenkins                              2.00
        LibreOffice                     20,249.00
        Open Voting Foundation               5.00
        OpenVAS                             10.00
        OpenWrt                            142.00
        OSUNIX                               2.00
        Path64                               5.00
        PostgreSQL                          45.00
        Privoxy                              4.00
        SPI General                        104.00
        SPI 5%                             190.28
        The HeliOS Project                 187.00
        TideSDK                            513.00
        YafaRay                              2.00

        Total Ordinary Income           24,099.85

   Interest Income
        Key Business Platinum MM Savings     2.21
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking       0.12
        Chase Bus Select High Yield Savings 35.37

        Total Interest Income               37.70

   Gross Income                         24,137.55

  Ordinary Expenses

        0 A.D.
          Processing Fees             4.90
          SPI 5%                      4.40

          Total 0 A.D. Exp            9.30

        Arch Linux
          Processing Fees            18.13
          SPI 5%                     15.20

          Total Arch Linux Exp       33.33

          Debit Card Fee              3.00
          Processing Fees            91.17
          SPI 5%                    102.88

          Total Debian Exp          197.05

          Processing Fees             0.25
          SPI 5%                      0.25

          Total Drizzle Exp           0.50

          Processing Fees             5.46
          SPI 5%                      6.10
          Travel                    471.19

          Total FFmpeg Exp          482.75
          Legal Fees                500.00
          Processing Fees             1.52
          Server Maintenance      1,050.00
          SPI 5%                      1.35

          Total fd.o Exp          1,552.87

        FreedomBox Foundation
          Processing Fees             0.10
          SPI 5%                      0.10

          Total FreedomBox Exp        0.20

          Processing Fees             1.47
          SPI 5%                      1.60

          Total Gallery Exp           3.07

        GNU TeXmacs
          Processing Fees             0.10
          SPI 5%                      0.10

          Total GNU TeXmacs Exp       0.20
          Hosting Fees               53.48

          Total Haskell Exp          53.48

          Processing Fees            0.10
          SPI 5%                     0.10

          Total Jenkins Exp          0.20

          Processing Fees            11.41
          SFC Accounting            500.00
          SPI 5%                     12.45
          Travel Reimbursement    2,424.22

          Total LibreOffice Exp   2,948.08
        Open Voting Foundation
          Processing Fees             0.22
          SPI 5%                      0.25

          Total OVF Exp               0.47

          Processing Fees             0.47
          SPI 5%                      0.50

          Total OpenVAS Exp           0.97

          Processing Fees             6.82
          SPI 5%                      7.10

          Total OpenWrt Exp          13.92

          Processing Fees             0.10
          SPI 5%                      0.10

          Total OSUNIX Exp            0.20

          Processing Fees             0.22
          SPI 5%                      0.25

          Total Path64 Exp            0.47

          Processing Fees             2.20
          SPI 5%                      2.25

          Total PostgreSQL Exp        4.45

          Processing Fees             0.18
          SPI 5%                      0.20

          Total Privoxy Exp           0.38

          PaySimple Monthly Fee      29.95
          Transaction Fees           30.50

          Total SPI Exp              60.45

        The HeliOS Project
          Expense Reimbursement     118.72
          Processing Fees             9.30
          SPI 5%                      9.35

          Total HeliOS Exp          137.37

         Processing Fees             13.99
         SPI 5%                      25.65

         Total TideSDK Exp           39.64

         Processing Fees              0.20
         SPI 5%                       0.20

         Total YafaRay Exp            0.40

        Total Expenses            5,539.75

        Net Income               18,597.80

Balance Sheet as of May 31, 2013

     Current Assets
        Chase BusinessClassic Checking with Interest      15,859.27
        Chase Business Select High Yield Savings         208,633.85
        KeyBank Basic Business Checking                    1,073.73
        Key Business Reward Checking                      46,776.26
        Key Business Platinum Money Market Savings       162,799.66
        Key Express Checking                               4,995.76
        Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct                         13,406.15
        Debian Debit Card                                    269.00

     Total Current Assets                                453,813.68

   TOTAL ASSETS                                          453,813.68


     General and current liabilities                           0.00

        Reserves held in trust
           0 A.D. Earmark                       118.53
           aptosid Earmark                      181.06
           Arch Linux Earmark                10,166.07
           Debian Earmark                   102,538.27
           DebConf 13 Earmark                34,431.36
           Drizzle                            4,311.30
           FFmpeg                               620.12
           Fluxbox                              995.00
  Earmark           19,023.99
           FreedomBox Foundation Earmark     24,420.13
           Gallery Earmark                    8,124.51
           GNU TeXmacs Earmark                  274.02
           Haskell Earmark                   16,126.40
           Jenkins Earmark                    9,905.86
           LibreOffice Earmark               70,176.59
  Earmark        1,494.90
           OpenVAS                               56.21
           OpenWrt                            2,970.02
           Open Bioinformatics Earmark       37,441.49
           Open Voting Foundation Earmark       158.74
           OSUNIX                                 2.92
           Path64                                14.40
           Plan 9 Earmark                     6,500.00
           PostgreSQL Earmark                23,005.34
           Privoxy Earmark                      796.77
           The HeliOS Project Earmark            49.63
           TideSDK Earmark                      900.17
           Tux4Kids Earmark                  16,277.50
           YafaRay Earmark                    4,884.73

        Total held in trust                              396,966.03

        General reserves                                  56,847.65

     Total Equity                                        453,813.68

   TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY                            453,813.68

Michael informed the board that he had been in contact with Foster Results (a local to him firm) and Human Bookkeeping (based in Massachusetts) about bookkeeping services for SPI. He'd had a reply from Human Bookkeeping suggesting a $579 fee for catching up with our current status and an ongoing monthly fee of $431. This compared to a rough quote of $360-$720/month from the bookkeeper used by PostgreSQL Experts.

Michael was still waiting to hear back from Foster Results, but he expected to be able to make a decision about the best option once he had done so. There was some discussion about how to proceed and it was felt that Michael should be authorized to proceed with hiring whichever bookkeeper he felt suited our needs best, subject to some spending limits.

Vote on Authorize the treasurer to commit to expenditure of up to $1500 catch up, $750 monthly to cover hiring a fully bonded and insured bookkeeper to aid in the treasurer's duties.

Clint AdamsYes
Robert BrockwayYes
Joshua D. DrakeYes
Jimmy KaplowitzYes
Jonathan McDowellYes
Michael SchultheissYes

Motion passed with a vote of 6 yes, 0 missing.

Secretary's report

Jonathan reported that MinGW had accepted our invitation to become an associated project. He also indicated that we had an outstanding request from Swathanthra Malayalam Computing to join as an associated project. In addition he reminded everyone that the board election was coming up, with nominations opening on 1st July, with 4 seats up for re-election (Bdale, Joerg, Joshua and Martin).

Outstanding minutes

Vote on Meeting Minutes for 9th May 2013:

Clint AdamsYes
Robert BrockwayYes
Joshua D. DrakeYes
Jimmy KaplowitzAbstain
Jonathan McDowellYes
Michael SchultheissYes

Motion passed with a vote of 5 yes, 1 abstain, 0 missing.

Any other business

Robert mentioned that the last piece of the Debian audit was still hanging around. It was unclear to him what was still required so he'd asked Debian for clarification. Lucas was on channel and indicated that he believe the additional notes providing some clarification on the transactions should be on the bank statements. Robert said he'd take a second look and ask if he needed further information.

Jimmy asked if Josh Berkus was around to comment on what was happening with the SFC donation for accounting software. He wasn't, but Michael stated that LibreOffice had donated $500 to the SFC for this purpose.


The meeting was adjourned until Thursday, July 11th, 2013 at 20:00 UTC in #spi on This will also serve as the Annual General Meeting.

Appendix A: Current Board Membership

Last electedNameRole
July 2010Bdale GarbeePresident
July 2010Joerg JaspertVice President
July 2012Jonathan McDowellSecretary
July 2012Michael SchultheissTreasurer
July 2010Joshua D. Drake
July 2010Martin Zobel-Helas
July 2011Clint Adams
July 2011Robert Brockway
July 2011Jimmy Kaplowitz