Resolution 2009-11-04.jmd.1: Contributing membership expiry
This resolution was adopted by the Board of Directors of SPI at their meeting of November 11, 2009.
Article 3 of the corporate by-laws state: "If a contributing membership is not renewed, the member's status will be downgraded to a non-contributing member.";
Voter turnout and quorum is measured as a function of contributing membership;
There is no existing practical measure of a member's activity;
Elections are the most effective means of verifying a member's activity and our electoral system does not require a voting member to express an opinion on their ballot
Be it resolved that any contributing member who does not cast a ballot in an annual Board member election shall be considered potentially inactive. Any contributing member considered potentially inactive shall be contacted after the election to confirm their status; if no response is received within 4 weeks of this initial contact they shall be deemed inactive and downgraded to a non-contributing member. However no such downgrading shall preclude any member from restoring their contributing membership status at any later date;
In the event that no annual Board member election takes place, regardless of reason, the membership list will not be affected until the next such election takes place;
Any contributing membership that exists under any other resolutions or clauses that is not subject to expiry will not expire.