Meeting agenda for Monday 10th February, 2025
This is the proposed agenda for the SPI board Meeting of Monday, February 10th 2025, to be held at 20:00 UTC in #spi on
- Opening
- Roll Call
- President's report (Michael Schultheiss)
- Treasurer's report (Héctor Orón Martínez)
- Secretary's report (Zach van Rijn)
- Outstanding minutes
- Items up for discussion
- Model C sponsorship
- 2024-11-11 minutes
- Any other business
- Next board meeting: March 10, 2025, 20:00 UTC
President's report
Treasurer's report
Secretary's report
Items up for Discussion
Model C sponsorship
(From Jonatas)
Héctor is absent, so I must delegate to the board the decision if Model C is acceptable or not.
(From Jonatas, on behalf of Kassia)
"Do we want to be compliant with accepted parameters, or do we prefer to accept the risk and stay doing things the way we have always done, even if it might not necessarily be acceptable under US laws?"
(zv: board@ "Legal Review Request: SPI Project Relationship Page and Donation Terminology")
2024-11-11 minutes
(From Jonatas)
Administrative recourse against 2024-11-11 minutes. It is my belief that it contradicts Resolution 2006-08-07.dbg.2.iwj.1 and as such, the Board must solve the conflict by amending either the minute, the resolution, or declaring why there is no contradiction.
(zv: informally, issue A, this is a request to reconcile the 2024-11-11 minutes to exclude "technical difficulties" which I used to annotate the fact that Milan was apparently reading and responding to the real-time IRC meeting, but that responses were not received by the channel; see here; image will be deleted on 2025-05-10).
(zv: informally, issue B, this is a request to reconcile the 2024-11-11 minutes to exclude my conditional "yes" vote, "Yes if Legal approves and this is for one 4-month term" for "Vote on Approve SPI Contractor". Vote outcome would not be affected by a Yes/No/Abstain from me).