Board meeting, June 10th, 2024

Board members present

  • Michael Schultheiss (schultmc) (President)
  • Héctor Orón Martínez (zumbi) (Treasurer)
  • Zach van Rijn (zv) (Secretary)
  • Joe Conway (jconway)
  • Forrest Fleming (fsf)
  • Milan Kupcevic (milan)
  • Jonatas L. Nogueira (jesusalva)
  • Jeremy Stanley (fungi)

Board members partially present

  • None

Board members absent with regrets

  • None

Board members absent

  • Stephen Frost (Snow-Man) (Vice-President)

Registered guests present

  • Célestin Matte
  • William Pine (TMW Liaison)

These are the minutes for the June 10th, 2024 SPI Board Meeting, held at 20:00 UTC in #spi on LOG.

President's report

Thank you to SPI Director Jonatas L. Nogueira for helping track outstanding tasks.

Continued thanks to SPI Vice President, Stephen Frost, for handling contracting
with SPI's contractors. Stephen continues to do a fantastic job working with our
contractors and legal counsel.

Vice President's report

  • Vice President was not present.

Treasurer's report

A lot of effort to finalize auditor requested data, so they can proceed with audit for 2023.

SPI is now available as a fiscal sponsor option at GitHub.

Coordinated with sysadmin on transferring several Debian domains to SPI,
released monthly reports, coordinated with associated projects about best
practices to process payments for events, then there are pending payments
which we plan to clear as soon as some of the treasurer accounts are rebalanced,
in one or two weeks the queue should be clear.

If you have any other urgent matter, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Thanks to all members supporting treasurer activities.

Secretary's report

Any remaining Board members who have not submitted an up-to-date
Conflict of Interest form will receive a direct email after this
meeting requesting as much. Thanks for your prompt cooperation!

Face-to-Face meeting proposals will be sent to board@ imminently.

Vote On Minutes For Previous Meetings

Vote on minutes for meeting Monday May 13th 2024

Joe ConwayYes
Forrest FlemingYes
Héctor Orón MartínezAbstain
Milan KupcevicYes
Jonatas L. NogueiraYes
Michael SchultheissYes
Jeremy StanleyYes
Zach van RijnYes

Vote passed with 7 yes, 1 abstain, 0 no.

Items for Discussion

  • None

Other Business

From Jonatas:

  • MPI Forum has SPI policy questions
  • There was discussion about whether SPI could assist with conference proceedings costs
  • Ticket 7349 raises the question about whether SPI would want to change payment processors based on rates. Consensus is that it is not worth the trouble.
  • Tax-related questions
  • Postgresql questions
  • Question about whether newly-onboarded projects should be encouraged to transfer their domains to be under SPI control.
  • Question about template for hiring a contractor to help with board tasks.


The meeting was adjourned until Monday July 8th, 2024 at 20:00 UTC in #spi on

Appendix A: Current Board Membership

Last electedNameRole
July 2021Michael SchultheissPresident
July 2021Stephen FrostVice President
July 2022Héctor Orón MartínezTreasurer
July 2022Zach van RijnSecretary
July 2023Joe Conway
July 2022Forrest Fleming
July 2021Milan Kupcevic
July 2022Jonatas L. Nogueira
July 2022Jeremy Stanley