Board meeting, September 9th, 2024
Board members present
- Michael Schultheiss (schultmc) (President)
- Jonatas L. Nogueira (jesusalva) (Vice-President)
- Zach van Rijn (zv) (Secretary)
- Forrest Fleming (fsf)
- Milan Kupcevic (milan)
- Jeremy Stanley (fungi)
Board members partially present
- Héctor Orón Martínez (zumbi) (Treasurer)
Board members absent with regrets
- Joe Conway (jconway)
Board members absent
- Katie McMillan
Registered guests present
- Célestin Matte
These are the minutes for the September 9th, 2024 SPI Board Meeting, held at 20:00 UTC in #spi on LOG.
President's report
Martin, Héctor and I have been working with our auditor to get our 2023 financial statements audited. We are also working with the auditing firm on filing our New York State and Federal annual filings. We have received a 6 month extension for the time to file and are confident the filings will be completed by the November 15, 2024 deadline. I would again like to thank Stephen Frost for his many years of dedication to SPI. Should his schedule permit, I would welcome him rejoining the SPI board if a position opens in the future. I would also like to welcome Katie McMillan to the SPI board. I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. McMillan several years ago and look forward to have her input on the SPI board.
Vice President's report
SPI contract's with Célestin was renewed until December 2025. An issue on Request Tracker caused almost 10,000 spam tickets to be opened and closed, it's now mitigated but if anyone sent a request and haven't heard back from it, feel free to bump the message. I also want to thank to Jeremy Stanley for his continued help handling prospective projects correspondence and membership applications.
Treasurer's report
- Treasurer will send Secretary the 2024-08-12 report.
Secretary's report
I am resuming research and planning on the F2F meeting after some delays and changing circumstances. Please let me know how else I may assist the Board; I remain available broadly to help with housekeeping.
Vote On Minutes For Previous Meetings
Vote on minutes for meeting Monday August 12th 2024
Forrest Fleming | Abstain |
Milan Kupcevic | Yes |
Héctor Orón Martínez | Yes |
Jonatas L. Nogueira | Yes |
Michael Schultheiss | Yes |
Jeremy Stanley | Yes |
Zach van Rijn | Yes |
Vote passed with 6 yes, 1 abstain, 0 no.
Items up for discussion
Opening a New Contractor Position
Jonatas wishes to open at least one new contractor position to assist SPI with administrative tasks.
Budget is a major concern.
Board agrees to defer any decision or action until the next meeting to allow time for evaluating whether existing contractors might be better suited for these tasks (reduce onboarding burden), and whether some of the work can be delegated or handled internally.
Other business
- Move Ticket 15489 to Treasurer queue
- Create a forwarding rule (do not delete) Stephen's mailbox and inform senders of the change in tenture
- Counsel has advised us to update the Asociated Project Framework for clarity and compliance. Board and/or Liaisons should review proposed changes regarding earmarked donations.
- Several liaisons are not subscribed to the spi-projects list and/or are not members. Mail was or will be sent out to address this.
The meeting was adjourned until Monday October 14th, 2024 at 20:00 UTC in #spi on
Appendix A: Current Board Membership
Last elected | Name | Role |
July 2024 | Michael Schultheiss | President |
July 2022 | Jonatas L. Nogueira | Vice President |
July 2022 | Héctor Orón Martínez | Treasurer |
July 2022 | Zach van Rijn | Secretary |
July 2023 | Joe Conway | |
July 2022 | Forrest Fleming | |
July 2024 | Milan Kupcevic | |
July 2024 | Katie McMillan | |
July 2022 | Jeremy Stanley |