Board meeting, February 10th, 2025

Board members present

  • Michael Schultheiss (schultmc) (President)
  • Zach van Rijn (zv) (Secretary)
  • Héctor Orón Martínez (zumbi) (Treasurer)
  • Forrest Fleming (fsf)
  • Milan Kupcevic (milan)
  • Katie McMillan (mappx)
  • Jeremy Stanley (fungi)

Board members partially present

  • Jonatas L. Nogueira (jesusalva) (Vice-President)
  • Joe Conway (jconway)

Board members absent with regrets

  • None

Board members absent

  • None

Registered guests present

  • Perdu (Célestin Matte)

These are the minutes for the February 10th, 2025 SPI Board Meeting, held at 20:00 UTC in #spi on LOG.

President's report

Martin, Héctor and I worked with our auditor to get our 2023
financial statements audited. Our Federal and New York State
filings have both been submitted.

Vice President's report

Vice President not present.


Treasurer's report

Treasurer not present.

Payment queue was mostly emptied, but we to rebalance some accounts to proceed with other payments.
Thanks for the treasurer team support by contractors and other officers.

If you have urgent matters, please reach out.

Secretary's report

I am still missing a few Conflict of Interest forms. I will send
an email to each person for whom I need a form on file after the
meeting. Let me know any questions. Thanks for your cooperation.

Virtual face-to-face meeting recommendation stands; expect an
email after this meeting asking for possible dates/times.

Physical face-to-face is in progress.

Vote On Minutes For Previous Meetings

Vote on minutes for meeting Monday January 13 2025

Forrest FlemingYes
Milan KupcevicYes
Héctor Orón MartínezAbstain
Katie McMillanYes
Michael SchultheissYes
Jeremy StanleyYes
Zach van RijnYes

Vote passed with 6 yes, 1 abstain, 0 no.

Items up for discussion

Model C Sponsorship

Jonatas is not present to discuss.

Tabled for future formal discussion and voting.

2024-11-11 Minutes

Issue 1:

(See raw logs and this image for context).

Jonatas holds the position that votes cannot reflect "technical difficulties" and must be either Yes, No, or Abstain.

Vote outcome not affected.

Agreement to proceed as follows: (1) update attendance to say "Present, with exception", (2) remove Milan's vote entries, (3) add a note to reflect the technical difficulties.

Issue 2:

Jonatas is not comfortable with zv's conditional vote from that meeting.

Vote outcome not affected.

Agreement to proceed as follows: mark vote as No because the condition "Yes if..." is the same as "No unless...", and the condition was not met.

Other business

  • zv intends to step down a Secretary, robbat2 wishes to apply for this role
  • Please refer to the raw logs for some brief discussion after Jonatas joined the meeting


The meeting was adjourned until Monday March 10th, 2025 at 20:00 UTC in #spi on

Appendix A: Current Board Membership

Last electedNameRole
July 2024Michael SchultheissPresident
July 2022Jonatas L. NogueiraVice President
July 2022Héctor Orón MartínezTreasurer
July 2022Zach van RijnSecretary
July 2023Joe Conway
July 2022Forrest Fleming
July 2024Milan Kupcevic
July 2024Katie McMillan
July 2022Jeremy Stanley