Treasurer's report 2024-01-01 - 2024-02-01

This is a draft.

Software in Public Interest Inc

This month changes 2024-01-01 - 2024-02-01

         debit         credit          total
 133545.16 USD   83811.31 USD   49733.85 USD  Assets
     64.74 USD              0      64.74 USD    Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct
     10.00 USD    2307.71 USD   -2297.71 USD    Bank of America Business Advantage Checking
   4218.36 USD      95.00 USD    4123.36 USD    Chase Performance Business Checking
  11538.96 USD      50.00 USD   11488.96 USD    Fifth Third Business Elite Checking (Debian)
  11390.45 USD      50.00 USD   11340.45 USD    Fifth Third Business Elite Checking (SPI)
   5483.58 USD      50.00 USD    5433.58 USD    Fifth Third Business Elite Checking Wiretransfer
      0.01 USD      10.00 USD      -9.99 USD    Fifth Third Business Money Market 128
      0.43 USD              0       0.43 USD    Key Business Gold Money Market Savings
  30343.34 USD              0   30343.34 USD    Key Business Reward Checking
  15308.26 USD    1064.54 USD   14243.72 USD    Merrill Lynch EMA
   6284.93 USD   11899.08 USD   -5614.15 USD    PaypalDebian
   6736.14 USD   11688.11 USD   -4951.97 USD    PaypalSPI
    100.00 USD      48.98 USD      51.02 USD    Prepaid-Expenses
  19136.55 USD   33618.48 USD  -14481.93 USD    Receivable
  22929.41 USD   22929.41 USD              0    Transfers
  29914.60 USD    9337.51 USD   20577.09 USD  Expenses
     16.55 USD              0      16.55 USD    Accounting
   1120.72 USD       0.01 USD    1120.71 USD    Bank-Fees
   1175.47 USD              0    1175.47 USD    Conferences
    761.49 USD              0     761.49 USD      Dining
     36.14 USD              0      36.14 USD      Materials
     16.46 USD              0      16.46 USD      Services
    361.38 USD              0     361.38 USD      Venue
   9337.50 USD    9337.50 USD              0    Disassociation
  10990.80 USD              0   10990.80 USD    IT
    169.84 USD              0     169.84 USD      Domains
   3658.34 USD              0    3658.34 USD      Hardware
    762.62 USD              0     762.62 USD      Hosting
   6400.00 USD              0    6400.00 USD      Services
   3255.34 USD              0    3255.34 USD    Legal
    117.55 USD              0     117.55 USD    Office:Postal
   1700.00 USD              0    1700.00 USD    Software-Development
   2200.67 USD              0    2200.67 USD    Travel
    725.71 USD              0     725.71 USD      Accommodation
   1474.96 USD              0    1474.96 USD      Transportation
   2763.29 USD   55874.54 USD  -53111.25 USD  Income
    107.48 USD    2149.55 USD   -2042.07 USD    Conferences:Registrations
   1580.00 USD   38026.22 USD  -36446.22 USD    Donations
             0   15373.44 USD  -15373.44 USD    Interest
     11.27 USD     225.33 USD    -214.06 USD    Merchandise
             0     100.00 USD    -100.00 USD    Sponsorship
   1064.54 USD              0    1064.54 USD    Unrealized-Loss
    123.73 USD   17323.42 USD  -17199.69 USD  Liabilities:Payable
 166346.78 USD  166346.78 USD              0

Year to date, ending 2024-02-01

         debit         credit          total
3168164.06 USD  260153.74 USD 2908010.32 USD  Assets
             0  161342.43 USD -161342.43 USD    Accumulated-Depreciation
  14772.12 USD              0   14772.12 USD    Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct
  23840.16 USD    2307.71 USD   21532.45 USD    Bank of America Business Advantage Checking
  49393.79 USD      95.00 USD   49298.79 USD    Chase Performance Business Checking
  11538.97 USD      50.00 USD   11488.97 USD    Fifth Third Business Elite Checking (Debian)
  11390.46 USD      50.00 USD   11340.46 USD    Fifth Third Business Elite Checking (SPI)
  15242.85 USD      50.00 USD   15192.85 USD    Fifth Third Business Elite Checking Wiretransfer
    950.56 USD      10.00 USD     940.56 USD    Fifth Third Business Money Market 128
 206837.73 USD              0  206837.73 USD    Fixed-Assets
  50074.10 USD              0   50074.10 USD    Key Business Gold Money Market Savings
 154442.04 USD              0  154442.04 USD    Key Business Reward Checking
2497971.82 USD    1064.54 USD 2496907.28 USD    Merrill Lynch EMA
  13247.70 USD   11899.08 USD    1348.62 USD    PaypalDebian
  14099.15 USD   11688.11 USD    2411.04 USD    PaypalSPI
    100.00 USD      48.98 USD      51.02 USD    Prepaid-Expenses
  57267.44 USD   48618.48 USD    8648.96 USD    Receivable
  22929.41 USD   22929.41 USD              0    Transfers
  24065.76 USD              0   24065.76 USD    Wise
  20262.37 USD              0   20262.37 USD      Business
   3803.39 USD              0    3803.39 USD      Personal
             0 2745152.74 USD -2745152.74 USD  Equity:Net-Assets
             0 2357346.18 USD -2357346.18 USD    Restricted
             0  387806.56 USD -387806.56 USD    Unrestricted
  29914.60 USD    9337.51 USD   20577.09 USD  Expenses
     16.55 USD              0      16.55 USD    Accounting
   1120.72 USD       0.01 USD    1120.71 USD    Bank-Fees
   1175.47 USD              0    1175.47 USD    Conferences
    761.49 USD              0     761.49 USD      Dining
     36.14 USD              0      36.14 USD      Materials
     16.46 USD              0      16.46 USD      Services
    361.38 USD              0     361.38 USD      Venue
   9337.50 USD    9337.50 USD              0    Disassociation
  10990.80 USD              0   10990.80 USD    IT
    169.84 USD              0     169.84 USD      Domains
   3658.34 USD              0    3658.34 USD      Hardware
    762.62 USD              0     762.62 USD      Hosting
   6400.00 USD              0    6400.00 USD      Services
   3255.34 USD              0    3255.34 USD    Legal
    117.55 USD              0     117.55 USD    Office:Postal
   1700.00 USD              0    1700.00 USD    Software-Development
   2200.67 USD              0    2200.67 USD    Travel
    725.71 USD              0     725.71 USD      Accommodation
   1474.96 USD              0    1474.96 USD      Transportation
   2763.29 USD   55874.54 USD  -53111.25 USD  Income
    107.48 USD    2149.55 USD   -2042.07 USD    Conferences:Registrations
   1580.00 USD   38026.22 USD  -36446.22 USD    Donations
             0   15373.44 USD  -15373.44 USD    Interest
     11.27 USD     225.33 USD    -214.06 USD    Merchandise
             0     100.00 USD    -100.00 USD    Sponsorship
   1064.54 USD              0    1064.54 USD    Unrealized-Loss
 113298.83 USD  243622.25 USD -130323.42 USD  Liabilities:Payable
3314140.78 USD 3314140.78 USD              0

Per project summaries

Per project donations have a debit amount specified, which is the SPI 5% contribution from the project towards the SPI general fund. Thus total donation amount is net of this contribution.

Unlike ledger defaults, totals in the per-project summaries are inverted. Meaning that expenses are negative and equity is positive. This way projects that have funds, i.e. are in credit, are shown as a positive amount.

This month changes 2024-01-01 - 2024-02-01


         debit         credit          total
     57.88 USD              0     -57.88 USD  Expenses
     10.96 USD              0     -10.96 USD    Bank-Fees
     46.92 USD              0     -46.92 USD    IT:Hosting
      6.85 USD     137.00 USD     130.15 USD  Income:Donations
     64.73 USD     137.00 USD      72.27 USD


         debit         credit          total
      6.36 USD              0      -6.36 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
     13.34 USD     266.70 USD     253.36 USD  Income:Donations
     19.70 USD     266.70 USD     247.00 USD


         debit         credit          total
   3669.44 USD              0   -3669.44 USD  Expenses
    156.50 USD              0    -156.50 USD    Bank-Fees
    732.00 USD              0    -732.00 USD    Conferences:Dining
   1539.90 USD              0   -1539.90 USD    IT
   1049.94 USD              0   -1049.94 USD      Hardware
    489.96 USD              0    -489.96 USD      Hosting
   1241.04 USD              0   -1241.04 USD    Travel
    725.71 USD              0    -725.71 USD      Accommodation
    515.33 USD              0    -515.33 USD      Transportation
    128.26 USD    2564.92 USD    2436.66 USD  Income:Donations
   3797.70 USD    2564.92 USD   -1232.78 USD


         debit         credit          total
   2870.06 USD              0   -2870.06 USD  Expenses
     51.08 USD              0     -51.08 USD    Bank-Fees
   1118.98 USD              0   -1118.98 USD    IT:Hardware
   1700.00 USD              0   -1700.00 USD    Software-Development
     50.75 USD    1015.00 USD     964.25 USD  Income
     50.75 USD     915.00 USD     864.25 USD    Donations
             0     100.00 USD     100.00 USD    Sponsorship
   2920.81 USD    1015.00 USD   -1905.81 USD


         debit         credit          total
    466.66 USD              0    -466.66 USD  Expenses
    427.01 USD              0    -427.01 USD    Conferences
     29.49 USD              0     -29.49 USD      Dining
     36.14 USD              0     -36.14 USD      Materials
    361.38 USD              0    -361.38 USD      Venue
     39.65 USD              0     -39.65 USD    Travel:Transportation
    466.66 USD              0    -466.66 USD


         debit         credit          total
  10367.08 USD              0  -10367.08 USD  Expenses
    396.14 USD              0    -396.14 USD    Bank-Fees
   9337.50 USD              0   -9337.50 USD    Disassociation
    633.44 USD              0    -633.44 USD    IT
     56.99 USD              0     -56.99 USD      Domains
    576.45 USD              0    -576.45 USD      Hardware
    436.80 USD    8735.43 USD    8298.63 USD  Income:Donations
  10803.88 USD    8735.43 USD   -2068.45 USD


         debit         credit          total
     32.86 USD              0     -32.86 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
    537.57 USD   10751.44 USD   10213.87 USD  Income:Donations
    570.43 USD   10751.44 USD   10181.01 USD


         debit         credit          total
      7.42 USD              0      -7.42 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
     18.66 USD     373.25 USD     354.59 USD  Income:Donations
     26.08 USD     373.25 USD     347.17 USD


         debit         credit          total
      0.52 USD              0      -0.52 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.05 USD       1.00 USD       0.95 USD  Income:Donations
      0.57 USD       1.00 USD       0.43 USD


         debit         credit          total
   1072.63 USD              0   -1072.63 USD  Expenses
    152.65 USD              0    -152.65 USD    IT
    112.85 USD              0    -112.85 USD      Domains
     39.80 USD              0     -39.80 USD      Hosting
    919.98 USD              0    -919.98 USD    Travel:Transportation
   1072.63 USD              0   -1072.63 USD


         debit         credit          total
     98.07 USD              0     -98.07 USD  Expenses
     81.61 USD              0     -81.61 USD    Bank-Fees
     16.46 USD              0     -16.46 USD    Conferences:Services
    169.25 USD    3384.88 USD    3215.63 USD  Income
    107.48 USD    2149.55 USD    2042.07 USD    Conferences:Registrations
     50.50 USD    1010.00 USD     959.50 USD    Donations
     11.27 USD     225.33 USD     214.06 USD    Merchandise
    267.32 USD    3384.88 USD    3117.56 USD


         debit         credit          total
      2.00 USD      40.00 USD      38.00 USD  Income:Donations


         debit         credit          total
    122.03 USD              0    -122.03 USD  Expenses
      2.03 USD              0      -2.03 USD    Bank-Fees
    120.00 USD              0    -120.00 USD    IT:Hosting
     53.90 USD    1078.00 USD    1024.10 USD  Income:Donations
    175.93 USD    1078.00 USD     902.07 USD


         debit         credit          total
   4185.54 USD              0   -4185.54 USD  Expenses
     17.23 USD              0     -17.23 USD    Bank-Fees
    912.97 USD              0    -912.97 USD    IT:Hardware
   3255.34 USD              0   -3255.34 USD    Legal
     22.05 USD     441.00 USD     418.95 USD  Income:Donations
   4207.59 USD     441.00 USD   -3766.59 USD


         debit         credit          total
   6878.82 USD    9337.51 USD    2458.69 USD  Expenses
     16.55 USD              0     -16.55 USD    Accounting
    344.72 USD       0.01 USD    -344.71 USD    Bank-Fees
             0    9337.50 USD    9337.50 USD    Disassociation
   6400.00 USD              0   -6400.00 USD    IT:Services
    117.55 USD              0    -117.55 USD    Office:Postal
   1064.54 USD   21900.76 USD   20836.22 USD  Income
             0    6527.32 USD    6527.32 USD    Donations
             0   15373.44 USD   15373.44 USD    Interest
   1064.54 USD              0   -1064.54 USD    Unrealized-Loss
   7943.36 USD   31238.27 USD   23294.91 USD


         debit         credit          total
      2.15 USD              0      -2.15 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      2.01 USD      40.10 USD      38.09 USD  Income:Donations
      4.16 USD      40.10 USD      35.94 USD


         debit         credit          total
      2.16 USD              0      -2.16 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.87 USD      17.29 USD      16.42 USD  Income:Donations
      3.03 USD      17.29 USD      14.26 USD

         debit         credit          total
      0.55 USD              0      -0.55 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.15 USD       3.00 USD       2.85 USD  Income:Donations
      0.70 USD       3.00 USD       2.30 USD


         debit         credit          total
     66.83 USD              0     -66.83 USD  Expenses
      0.89 USD              0      -0.89 USD    Bank-Fees
     65.94 USD              0     -65.94 USD    IT:Hosting
      0.69 USD      13.77 USD      13.08 USD  Income:Donations
     67.52 USD      13.77 USD     -53.75 USD


         debit         credit          total
      7.54 USD              0      -7.54 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
    255.55 USD    5111.00 USD    4855.45 USD  Income:Donations
    263.09 USD    5111.00 USD    4847.91 USD

Year to date, ending 2024-02-01


         debit         credit          total
             0   46002.61 USD   46002.61 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
     57.88 USD              0     -57.88 USD  Expenses
     10.96 USD              0     -10.96 USD    Bank-Fees
     46.92 USD              0     -46.92 USD    IT:Hosting
      6.85 USD     137.00 USD     130.15 USD  Income:Donations
     64.73 USD   46139.61 USD   46074.88 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0   10280.90 USD   10280.90 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      6.36 USD              0      -6.36 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
     13.34 USD     266.70 USD     253.36 USD  Income:Donations
     19.70 USD   10547.60 USD   10527.90 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0    2819.84 USD    2819.84 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0     503.76 USD     503.76 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0  440140.74 USD  440140.74 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
   3669.44 USD              0   -3669.44 USD  Expenses
    156.50 USD              0    -156.50 USD    Bank-Fees
    732.00 USD              0    -732.00 USD    Conferences:Dining
   1539.90 USD              0   -1539.90 USD    IT
   1049.94 USD              0   -1049.94 USD      Hardware
    489.96 USD              0    -489.96 USD      Hosting
   1241.04 USD              0   -1241.04 USD    Travel
    725.71 USD              0    -725.71 USD      Accommodation
    515.33 USD              0    -515.33 USD      Transportation
    128.26 USD    2564.92 USD    2436.66 USD  Income:Donations
   3797.70 USD  442705.66 USD  438907.96 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0      20.26 USD      20.26 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0   59895.84 USD   59895.84 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
   2870.06 USD              0   -2870.06 USD  Expenses
     51.08 USD              0     -51.08 USD    Bank-Fees
   1118.98 USD              0   -1118.98 USD    IT:Hardware
   1700.00 USD              0   -1700.00 USD    Software-Development
     50.75 USD    1015.00 USD     964.25 USD  Income
     50.75 USD     915.00 USD     864.25 USD    Donations
             0     100.00 USD     100.00 USD    Sponsorship
   2920.81 USD   60910.84 USD   57990.03 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0     179.80 USD     179.80 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
    466.66 USD              0    -466.66 USD  Expenses
    427.01 USD              0    -427.01 USD    Conferences
     29.49 USD              0     -29.49 USD      Dining
     36.14 USD              0     -36.14 USD      Materials
    361.38 USD              0    -361.38 USD      Venue
     39.65 USD              0     -39.65 USD    Travel:Transportation
    466.66 USD              0    -466.66 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0  549042.41 USD  549042.41 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
  10367.08 USD              0  -10367.08 USD  Expenses
    396.14 USD              0    -396.14 USD    Bank-Fees
   9337.50 USD              0   -9337.50 USD    Disassociation
    633.44 USD              0    -633.44 USD    IT
     56.99 USD              0     -56.99 USD      Domains
    576.45 USD              0    -576.45 USD      Hardware
    436.80 USD    8735.43 USD    8298.63 USD  Income:Donations
  10803.88 USD  557777.84 USD  546973.96 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0  149869.91 USD  149869.91 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
     32.86 USD              0     -32.86 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
    537.57 USD   10751.44 USD   10213.87 USD  Income:Donations
    570.43 USD  160621.35 USD  160050.92 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0    1046.33 USD    1046.33 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0      95.00 USD      95.00 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0     232.51 USD     232.51 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0     180.50 USD     180.50 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0      94.37 USD      94.37 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0    9472.09 USD    9472.09 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0  125711.81 USD  125711.81 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      7.42 USD              0      -7.42 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
     18.66 USD     373.25 USD     354.59 USD  Income:Donations
     26.08 USD  126085.06 USD  126058.98 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0    5031.81 USD    5031.81 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0   39952.86 USD   39952.86 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0    4791.51 USD    4791.51 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0   40710.80 USD   40710.80 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      0.52 USD              0      -0.52 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.05 USD       1.00 USD       0.95 USD  Income:Donations
      0.57 USD   40711.80 USD   40711.23 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0       3.08 USD       3.08 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0  130189.18 USD  130189.18 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
   1072.63 USD              0   -1072.63 USD  Expenses
    152.65 USD              0    -152.65 USD    IT
    112.85 USD              0    -112.85 USD      Domains
     39.80 USD              0     -39.80 USD      Hosting
    919.98 USD              0    -919.98 USD    Travel:Transportation
   1072.63 USD  130189.18 USD  129116.55 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0   22036.09 USD   22036.09 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
     98.07 USD              0     -98.07 USD  Expenses
     81.61 USD              0     -81.61 USD    Bank-Fees
     16.46 USD              0     -16.46 USD    Conferences:Services
    169.25 USD    3384.88 USD    3215.63 USD  Income
    107.48 USD    2149.55 USD    2042.07 USD    Conferences:Registrations
     50.50 USD    1010.00 USD     959.50 USD    Donations
     11.27 USD     225.33 USD     214.06 USD    Merchandise
    267.32 USD   25420.97 USD   25153.65 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0     659.78 USD     659.78 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0    2445.86 USD    2445.86 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0       6.55 USD       6.55 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0    2625.56 USD    2625.56 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      2.00 USD      40.00 USD      38.00 USD  Income:Donations
      2.00 USD    2665.56 USD    2663.56 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0   33570.98 USD   33570.98 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
    122.03 USD              0    -122.03 USD  Expenses
      2.03 USD              0      -2.03 USD    Bank-Fees
    120.00 USD              0    -120.00 USD    IT:Hosting
     53.90 USD    1078.00 USD    1024.10 USD  Income:Donations
    175.93 USD   34648.98 USD   34473.05 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0      28.45 USD      28.45 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0  241308.65 USD  241308.65 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
   4185.54 USD              0   -4185.54 USD  Expenses
     17.23 USD              0     -17.23 USD    Bank-Fees
    912.97 USD              0    -912.97 USD    IT:Hardware
   3255.34 USD              0   -3255.34 USD    Legal
     22.05 USD     441.00 USD     418.95 USD  Income:Donations
   4207.59 USD  241749.65 USD  237542.06 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0    2587.46 USD    2587.46 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0    5975.58 USD    5975.58 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0  387806.56 USD  387806.56 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Unrestricted
   6878.82 USD    9337.51 USD    2458.69 USD  Expenses
     16.55 USD              0     -16.55 USD    Accounting
    344.72 USD       0.01 USD    -344.71 USD    Bank-Fees
             0    9337.50 USD    9337.50 USD    Disassociation
   6400.00 USD              0   -6400.00 USD    IT:Services
    117.55 USD              0    -117.55 USD    Office:Postal
   1064.54 USD   21900.76 USD   20836.22 USD  Income
             0    6527.32 USD    6527.32 USD    Donations
             0   15373.44 USD   15373.44 USD    Interest
   1064.54 USD              0   -1064.54 USD    Unrealized-Loss
   7943.36 USD  419044.83 USD  411101.47 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0  151070.87 USD  151070.87 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0    3249.35 USD    3249.35 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      2.15 USD              0      -2.15 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      2.01 USD      40.10 USD      38.09 USD  Income:Donations
      4.16 USD    3289.45 USD    3285.29 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0     678.07 USD     678.07 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      2.16 USD              0      -2.16 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.87 USD      17.29 USD      16.42 USD  Income:Donations
      3.03 USD     695.36 USD     692.33 USD

         debit         credit          total
             0     622.09 USD     622.09 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      0.55 USD              0      -0.55 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.15 USD       3.00 USD       2.85 USD  Income:Donations
      0.70 USD     625.09 USD     624.39 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0   17060.32 USD   17060.32 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0   20377.19 USD   20377.19 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
     66.83 USD              0     -66.83 USD  Expenses
      0.89 USD              0      -0.89 USD    Bank-Fees
     65.94 USD              0     -65.94 USD    IT:Hosting
      0.69 USD      13.77 USD      13.08 USD  Income:Donations
     67.52 USD   20390.96 USD   20323.44 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0  231322.82 USD  231322.82 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      7.54 USD              0      -7.54 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
    255.55 USD    5111.00 USD    4855.45 USD  Income:Donations
    263.09 USD  236433.82 USD  236170.73 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0    5452.59 USD    5452.59 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted