Treasurer's report 2024-03-01 - 2024-04-01

This is a draft.

Software in Public Interest Inc

This month changes 2024-03-01 - 2024-04-01

         debit         credit          total
  93391.55 USD   39131.85 USD   54259.70 USD  Assets
     60.59 USD              0      60.59 USD    Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct
    115.00 USD     908.41 USD    -793.41 USD    Bank of America Business Advantage Checking
   1455.50 USD      95.00 USD    1360.50 USD    Chase Performance Business Checking
   2404.53 USD      50.00 USD    2354.53 USD    Fifth Third Business Elite Checking (Debian)
   6243.51 USD      50.00 USD    6193.51 USD    Fifth Third Business Elite Checking (SPI)
    953.24 USD      50.00 USD     903.24 USD    Fifth Third Business Elite Checking Wiretransfer
      0.01 USD      10.00 USD      -9.99 USD    Fifth Third Business Money Market 128
   9337.50 USD              0    9337.50 USD    Fixed-Assets
      0.42 USD              0       0.42 USD    Key Business Gold Money Market Savings
   7081.75 USD              0    7081.75 USD    Key Business Reward Checking
  14495.94 USD              0   14495.94 USD    Merrill Lynch EMA
   4542.98 USD    2681.05 USD    1861.93 USD    PaypalDebian
   6173.59 USD    4125.57 USD    2048.02 USD    PaypalSPI
             0       2.04 USD      -2.04 USD    Prepaid-Expenses
  34257.06 USD   15049.76 USD   19207.30 USD    Receivable
   6269.93 USD    6269.93 USD              0    Transfers
             0    9840.09 USD   -9840.09 USD    Wise
             0    8639.01 USD   -8639.01 USD      Business
             0    1201.08 USD   -1201.08 USD      Personal
   9414.70 USD       0.02 USD    9414.68 USD  Expenses
   1871.63 USD              0    1871.63 USD    Accounting
    981.63 USD       0.02 USD     981.61 USD    Bank-Fees
   2362.69 USD              0    2362.69 USD    Conferences
    401.92 USD              0     401.92 USD      Dining
    109.42 USD              0     109.42 USD      Materials
      4.08 USD              0       4.08 USD      Services
   1847.27 USD              0    1847.27 USD      Venue
   2284.37 USD              0    2284.37 USD    IT
     98.96 USD              0      98.96 USD      Domains
    105.16 USD              0     105.16 USD      Hardware
    680.25 USD              0     680.25 USD      Hosting
   1400.00 USD              0    1400.00 USD      Services
    264.00 USD              0     264.00 USD    Legal
     22.00 USD              0      22.00 USD    Office:Postal
   1628.38 USD              0    1628.38 USD    Travel
    414.48 USD              0     414.48 USD      Accommodation
     14.44 USD              0      14.44 USD      Dining
   1199.46 USD              0    1199.46 USD      Transportation
   2020.74 USD   58578.63 USD  -56557.89 USD  Income
    118.91 USD    2378.11 USD   -2259.20 USD    Conferences:Registrations
             0       1.95 USD      -1.95 USD    Currency-Gain
     62.93 USD              0      62.93 USD    Currency-Loss
   1838.90 USD   41466.61 USD  -39627.71 USD    Donations
             0    6010.15 USD   -6010.15 USD    Interest
             0     175.00 USD    -175.00 USD    Sponsorship
             0    8546.81 USD   -8546.81 USD    Unrealized-Gain
   9743.63 USD   16860.12 USD   -7116.49 USD  Liabilities:Payable
 114570.62 USD  114570.62 USD              0

Year to date, ending 2024-04-01

         debit         credit          total
3353551.53 USD  375167.59 USD 2978383.94 USD  Assets
             0  161342.43 USD -161342.43 USD    Accumulated-Depreciation
  14897.11 USD              0   14897.11 USD    Ameriprise Cash Mgmt Acct
  23978.16 USD    5620.89 USD   18357.27 USD    Bank of America Business Advantage Checking
  58708.79 USD   20285.00 USD   38423.79 USD    Chase Performance Business Checking
  16431.74 USD     150.00 USD   16281.74 USD    Fifth Third Business Elite Checking (Debian)
  22470.55 USD     150.00 USD   22320.55 USD    Fifth Third Business Elite Checking (SPI)
  16754.33 USD    5616.85 USD   11137.48 USD    Fifth Third Business Elite Checking Wiretransfer
    950.58 USD      30.00 USD     920.58 USD    Fifth Third Business Money Market 128
 216175.23 USD              0  216175.23 USD    Fixed-Assets
  50074.92 USD              0   50074.92 USD    Key Business Gold Money Market Savings
 163224.19 USD              0  163224.19 USD    Key Business Reward Checking
2531009.74 USD    1064.54 USD 2529945.20 USD    Merrill Lynch EMA
  20372.58 USD   17272.19 USD    3100.39 USD    PaypalDebian
  24568.12 USD   20876.47 USD    3691.65 USD    PaypalSPI
    100.00 USD     100.00 USD              0    Prepaid-Expenses
 113249.71 USD   76994.15 USD   36255.56 USD    Receivable
  36524.16 USD   36524.16 USD              0    Transfers
  44061.62 USD   29140.91 USD   14920.71 USD    Wise
  40258.23 USD   27509.57 USD   12748.66 USD      Business
   3803.39 USD    1631.34 USD    2172.05 USD      Personal
             0 2745152.74 USD -2745152.74 USD  Equity:Net-Assets
             0 2357346.18 USD -2357346.18 USD    Restricted
             0  387806.56 USD -387806.56 USD    Unrestricted
  64072.18 USD    9337.55 USD   54734.63 USD  Expenses
   8562.88 USD              0    8562.88 USD    Accounting
   3287.45 USD       0.05 USD    3287.40 USD    Bank-Fees
   9213.46 USD              0    9213.46 USD    Conferences
   3923.25 USD              0    3923.25 USD      Dining
    280.16 USD              0     280.16 USD      Materials
     75.75 USD              0      75.75 USD      Services
   4934.30 USD              0    4934.30 USD      Venue
   9337.50 USD    9337.50 USD              0    Disassociation
  17101.96 USD              0   17101.96 USD    IT
    317.78 USD              0     317.78 USD      Domains
   3763.50 USD              0    3763.50 USD      Hardware
   3420.68 USD              0    3420.68 USD      Hosting
   9600.00 USD              0    9600.00 USD      Services
   3863.34 USD              0    3863.34 USD    Legal
    231.66 USD              0     231.66 USD    Marketing
    506.60 USD              0     506.60 USD    Office:Postal
   1700.00 USD              0    1700.00 USD    Software-Development
  10267.33 USD              0   10267.33 USD    Travel
   4118.20 USD              0    4118.20 USD      Accommodation
     14.44 USD              0      14.44 USD      Dining
   6134.69 USD              0    6134.69 USD      Transportation
   5938.18 USD  158250.34 USD -152312.16 USD  Income
    234.27 USD    4685.29 USD   -4451.02 USD    Conferences:Registrations
             0     231.03 USD    -231.03 USD    Currency-Gain
     62.94 USD              0      62.94 USD    Currency-Loss
   4565.16 USD  103671.50 USD  -99106.34 USD    Donations
             0   27586.92 USD  -27586.92 USD    Interest
     11.27 USD     225.33 USD    -214.06 USD    Merchandise
             0     900.00 USD    -900.00 USD    Sponsorship
             0   20950.27 USD  -20950.27 USD    Unrealized-Gain
   1064.54 USD              0    1064.54 USD    Unrealized-Loss
 167932.73 USD  303586.40 USD -135653.67 USD  Liabilities:Payable
3591494.62 USD 3591494.62 USD              0

Per project summaries

Per project donations have a debit amount specified, which is the SPI 5% contribution from the project towards the SPI general fund. Thus total donation amount is net of this contribution.

Unlike ledger defaults, totals in the per-project summaries are inverted. Meaning that expenses are negative and equity is positive. This way projects that have funds, i.e. are in credit, are shown as a positive amount.

This month changes 2024-03-01 - 2024-04-01


         debit         credit          total
     57.18 USD              0     -57.18 USD  Expenses
     10.39 USD              0     -10.39 USD    Bank-Fees
     46.79 USD              0     -46.79 USD    IT:Hosting
      5.80 USD     116.00 USD     110.20 USD  Income:Donations
     62.98 USD     116.00 USD      53.02 USD


         debit         credit          total
      6.36 USD              0      -6.36 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
     13.34 USD     266.70 USD     253.36 USD  Income:Donations
     19.70 USD     266.70 USD     247.00 USD


         debit         credit          total
    841.68 USD              0    -841.68 USD  Expenses
    150.60 USD              0    -150.60 USD    Bank-Fees
    451.22 USD              0    -451.22 USD    IT
    105.16 USD              0    -105.16 USD      Hardware
    346.06 USD              0    -346.06 USD      Hosting
    239.86 USD              0    -239.86 USD    Travel
    159.93 USD              0    -159.93 USD      Accommodation
     79.93 USD              0     -79.93 USD      Transportation
    144.76 USD    1792.44 USD    1647.68 USD  Income
     55.11 USD              0     -55.11 USD    Currency-Loss
     89.65 USD    1792.44 USD    1702.79 USD    Donations
    986.44 USD    1792.44 USD     806.00 USD


         debit         credit          total
      1.28 USD              0      -1.28 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.75 USD      15.00 USD      14.25 USD  Income:Donations
      2.03 USD      15.00 USD      12.97 USD


         debit         credit          total
   1028.75 USD              0   -1028.75 USD  Expenses:Travel
     14.44 USD              0     -14.44 USD    Dining
   1014.31 USD              0   -1014.31 USD    Transportation
   1028.75 USD              0   -1028.75 USD


         debit         credit          total
      2.53 USD              0      -2.53 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
    352.25 USD    7045.00 USD    6692.75 USD  Income
    352.25 USD    6870.00 USD    6517.75 USD    Donations
             0     175.00 USD     175.00 USD    Sponsorship
    354.78 USD    7045.00 USD    6690.22 USD


         debit         credit          total
   1138.88 USD              0   -1138.88 USD  Expenses
    296.22 USD              0    -296.22 USD    Bank-Fees
    482.89 USD              0    -482.89 USD    Conferences
    401.92 USD              0    -401.92 USD      Dining
     80.97 USD              0     -80.97 USD      Venue
    359.77 USD              0    -359.77 USD    Travel
    254.55 USD              0    -254.55 USD      Accommodation
    105.22 USD              0    -105.22 USD      Transportation
    243.11 USD    4863.70 USD    4620.59 USD  Income
             0       1.95 USD       1.95 USD    Currency-Gain
    243.11 USD    4861.75 USD    4618.64 USD    Donations
   1381.99 USD    4863.70 USD    3481.71 USD


         debit         credit          total
    101.15 USD              0    -101.15 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
    130.04 USD    2444.25 USD    2314.21 USD  Income
      7.82 USD              0      -7.82 USD    Currency-Loss
    122.22 USD    2444.25 USD    2322.03 USD    Donations
    231.19 USD    2444.25 USD    2213.06 USD


         debit         credit          total
      1.59 USD              0      -1.59 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      1.50 USD      30.00 USD      28.50 USD  Income:Donations
      3.09 USD      30.00 USD      26.91 USD


         debit         credit          total
    116.81 USD              0    -116.81 USD  Expenses
      7.39 USD              0      -7.39 USD    Bank-Fees
    109.42 USD              0    -109.42 USD    Conferences:Materials
     32.62 USD     652.42 USD     619.80 USD  Income:Donations
    149.43 USD     652.42 USD     502.99 USD


         debit         credit          total
   1766.30 USD              0   -1766.30 USD  Expenses:Conferences:Venue
    118.91 USD    2378.11 USD    2259.20 USD  Income:Conferences:Registrations
   1885.21 USD    2378.11 USD     492.90 USD


         debit         credit          total
      3.00 USD              0      -3.00 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      5.05 USD     101.00 USD      95.95 USD  Income:Donations
      8.05 USD     101.00 USD      92.95 USD


         debit         credit          total
    115.15 USD              0    -115.15 USD  Expenses
     40.68 USD              0     -40.68 USD    Bank-Fees
     74.47 USD              0     -74.47 USD    IT
     24.99 USD              0     -24.99 USD      Domains
     49.48 USD              0     -49.48 USD      Hosting
    930.00 USD   18600.00 USD   17670.00 USD  Income:Donations
   1045.15 USD   18600.00 USD   17554.85 USD


         debit         credit          total
      4.77 USD              0      -4.77 USD  Expenses
      0.69 USD              0      -0.69 USD    Bank-Fees
      4.08 USD              0      -4.08 USD    Conferences:Services
      0.50 USD      10.00 USD       9.50 USD  Income:Donations
      5.27 USD      10.00 USD       4.73 USD


         debit         credit          total
      0.52 USD              0      -0.52 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.05 USD       1.00 USD       0.95 USD  Income:Donations
      0.57 USD       1.00 USD       0.43 USD


         debit         credit          total
      3.00 USD      60.00 USD      57.00 USD  Income:Donations


         debit         credit          total
    126.39 USD              0    -126.39 USD  Expenses
      2.69 USD              0      -2.69 USD    Bank-Fees
    123.70 USD              0    -123.70 USD    IT:Hosting
      1.65 USD      33.00 USD      31.35 USD  Income:Donations
    128.04 USD      33.00 USD     -95.04 USD


         debit         credit          total
     12.21 USD              0     -12.21 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
     13.55 USD     271.00 USD     257.45 USD  Income:Donations
     25.76 USD     271.00 USD     245.24 USD


         debit         credit          total
   4068.65 USD       0.02 USD   -4068.63 USD  Expenses
   1871.63 USD              0   -1871.63 USD    Accounting
    322.83 USD       0.02 USD    -322.81 USD    Bank-Fees
   1588.19 USD              0   -1588.19 USD    IT
     73.97 USD              0     -73.97 USD      Domains
    114.22 USD              0    -114.22 USD      Hosting
   1400.00 USD              0   -1400.00 USD      Services
    264.00 USD              0    -264.00 USD    Legal
     22.00 USD              0     -22.00 USD    Office:Postal
             0   19421.96 USD   19421.96 USD  Income
             0    4865.00 USD    4865.00 USD    Donations
             0    6010.15 USD    6010.15 USD    Interest
             0    8546.81 USD    8546.81 USD    Unrealized-Gain
   4068.65 USD   19421.98 USD   15353.33 USD


         debit         credit          total
      0.27 USD              0      -0.27 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.21 USD       4.17 USD       3.96 USD  Income:Donations
      0.48 USD       4.17 USD       3.69 USD


         debit         credit          total
      6.59 USD              0      -6.59 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      7.32 USD     146.46 USD     139.14 USD  Income:Donations
     13.91 USD     146.46 USD     132.55 USD


         debit         credit          total
      2.15 USD              0      -2.15 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.87 USD      17.29 USD      16.42 USD  Income:Donations
      3.02 USD      17.29 USD      14.27 USD

         debit         credit          total
      0.55 USD              0      -0.55 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.15 USD       3.00 USD       2.85 USD  Income:Donations
      0.70 USD       3.00 USD       2.30 USD


         debit         credit          total
      6.05 USD              0      -6.05 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      6.20 USD     123.96 USD     117.76 USD  Income:Donations
     12.25 USD     123.96 USD     111.71 USD


         debit         credit          total
      5.89 USD              0      -5.89 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      9.11 USD     182.17 USD     173.06 USD  Income:Donations
     15.00 USD     182.17 USD     167.17 USD

Year to date, ending 2024-04-01


         debit         credit          total
             0   46002.61 USD   46002.61 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
    178.78 USD              0    -178.78 USD  Expenses
     39.22 USD              0     -39.22 USD    Bank-Fees
    139.56 USD              0    -139.56 USD    IT:Hosting
     24.23 USD     484.68 USD     460.45 USD  Income:Donations
    203.01 USD   46487.29 USD   46284.28 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0   10280.90 USD   10280.90 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
     19.69 USD              0     -19.69 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
     40.20 USD     803.66 USD     763.46 USD  Income:Donations
     59.89 USD   11084.56 USD   11024.67 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0    2819.84 USD    2819.84 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0     503.76 USD     503.76 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0  440140.74 USD  440140.74 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
  11706.56 USD              0  -11706.56 USD  Expenses
    479.02 USD              0    -479.02 USD    Bank-Fees
   1718.76 USD              0   -1718.76 USD    Conferences
   1584.16 USD              0   -1584.16 USD      Dining
    134.60 USD              0    -134.60 USD      Materials
   3573.06 USD              0   -3573.06 USD    IT
   1155.10 USD              0   -1155.10 USD      Hardware
   2417.96 USD              0   -2417.96 USD      Hosting
   5935.72 USD              0   -5935.72 USD    Travel
   3725.07 USD              0   -3725.07 USD      Accommodation
   2210.65 USD              0   -2210.65 USD      Transportation
    397.98 USD    6895.29 USD    6497.31 USD  Income
             0      39.18 USD      39.18 USD    Currency-Gain
     55.11 USD              0     -55.11 USD    Currency-Loss
    342.87 USD    6856.11 USD    6513.24 USD    Donations
  12104.54 USD  447036.03 USD  434931.49 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0      20.26 USD      20.26 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0   59895.84 USD   59895.84 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
   3080.43 USD              0   -3080.43 USD  Expenses
    261.45 USD              0    -261.45 USD    Bank-Fees
   1118.98 USD              0   -1118.98 USD    IT:Hardware
   1700.00 USD              0   -1700.00 USD    Software-Development
    277.25 USD    5605.92 USD    5328.67 USD  Income
             0      60.92 USD      60.92 USD    Currency-Gain
    277.25 USD    4995.00 USD    4717.75 USD    Donations
             0     550.00 USD     550.00 USD    Sponsorship
   3357.68 USD   65501.76 USD   62144.08 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0     179.80 USD     179.80 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
   1627.94 USD              0   -1627.94 USD  Expenses
     78.24 USD              0     -78.24 USD    Bank-Fees
    427.01 USD              0    -427.01 USD    Conferences
     29.49 USD              0     -29.49 USD      Dining
     36.14 USD              0     -36.14 USD      Materials
    361.38 USD              0    -361.38 USD      Venue
   1122.69 USD              0   -1122.69 USD    Travel
     14.44 USD              0     -14.44 USD      Dining
   1108.25 USD              0   -1108.25 USD      Transportation
      0.01 USD              0      -0.01 USD  Income:Currency-Loss
   1627.95 USD              0   -1627.95 USD


         debit         credit          total
      2.53 USD              0      -2.53 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
    602.25 USD   12045.00 USD   11442.75 USD  Income
    602.25 USD   11695.00 USD   11092.75 USD    Donations
             0     350.00 USD     350.00 USD    Sponsorship
    604.78 USD   12045.00 USD   11440.22 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0  549042.41 USD  549042.41 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
  12926.47 USD              0  -12926.47 USD  Expenses
    918.65 USD              0    -918.65 USD    Bank-Fees
    482.89 USD              0    -482.89 USD    Conferences
    401.92 USD              0    -401.92 USD      Dining
     80.97 USD              0     -80.97 USD      Venue
   9337.50 USD              0   -9337.50 USD    Disassociation
    633.44 USD              0    -633.44 USD    IT
     56.99 USD              0     -56.99 USD      Domains
    576.45 USD              0    -576.45 USD      Hardware
   1553.99 USD              0   -1553.99 USD    Travel
    254.55 USD              0    -254.55 USD      Accommodation
   1299.44 USD              0   -1299.44 USD      Transportation
    818.74 USD   16375.20 USD   15556.46 USD  Income
             0       1.95 USD       1.95 USD    Currency-Gain
    818.74 USD   16373.25 USD   15554.51 USD    Donations
  13745.21 USD  565417.61 USD  551672.40 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0  149869.91 USD  149869.91 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
    901.76 USD              0    -901.76 USD  Expenses
    166.81 USD              0    -166.81 USD    Bank-Fees
    734.95 USD              0    -734.95 USD    Travel
    138.58 USD              0    -138.58 USD      Accommodation
    596.37 USD              0    -596.37 USD      Transportation
    701.77 USD   13878.94 USD   13177.17 USD  Income
      7.82 USD              0      -7.82 USD    Currency-Loss
    693.95 USD   13878.94 USD   13184.99 USD    Donations
   1603.53 USD  163748.85 USD  162145.32 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0    1046.33 USD    1046.33 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0      95.00 USD      95.00 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0     232.51 USD     232.51 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
      1.59 USD              0      -1.59 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      1.50 USD      30.00 USD      28.50 USD  Income:Donations
      3.09 USD      30.00 USD      26.91 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0     180.50 USD     180.50 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0      94.37 USD      94.37 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0    9472.09 USD    9472.09 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0  125711.81 USD  125711.81 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
    131.05 USD              0    -131.05 USD  Expenses
     21.63 USD              0     -21.63 USD    Bank-Fees
    109.42 USD              0    -109.42 USD    Conferences:Materials
     64.09 USD    1281.92 USD    1217.83 USD  Income:Donations
    195.14 USD  126993.73 USD  126798.59 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0    5031.81 USD    5031.81 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0   39952.86 USD   39952.86 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
   1766.30 USD              0   -1766.30 USD  Expenses:Conferences:Venue
    118.91 USD    2378.11 USD    2259.20 USD  Income:Conferences:Registrations
   1885.21 USD   42330.97 USD   40445.76 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0    4791.51 USD    4791.51 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0   40710.80 USD   40710.80 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      4.04 USD              0      -4.04 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      5.15 USD     103.00 USD      97.85 USD  Income:Donations
      9.19 USD   40813.80 USD   40804.61 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0       3.08 USD       3.08 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0  130189.18 USD  130189.18 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
   3958.07 USD              0   -3958.07 USD  Expenses
     45.59 USD              0     -45.59 USD    Bank-Fees
   2725.65 USD              0   -2725.65 USD    Conferences:Venue
    266.85 USD              0    -266.85 USD    IT
    137.84 USD              0    -137.84 USD      Domains
    129.01 USD              0    -129.01 USD      Hosting
    919.98 USD              0    -919.98 USD    Travel:Transportation
   1230.00 USD   24603.91 USD   23373.91 USD  Income
             0       3.91 USD       3.91 USD    Currency-Gain
   1230.00 USD   24600.00 USD   23370.00 USD    Donations
   5188.07 USD  154793.09 USD  149605.02 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0   22036.09 USD   22036.09 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
   2304.40 USD              0   -2304.40 USD  Expenses
     89.31 USD              0     -89.31 USD    Bank-Fees
   1983.43 USD              0   -1983.43 USD    Conferences
   1907.68 USD              0   -1907.68 USD      Dining
     75.75 USD              0     -75.75 USD      Services
    231.66 USD              0    -231.66 USD    Marketing
    178.13 USD    3562.51 USD    3384.38 USD  Income
    115.36 USD    2307.18 USD    2191.82 USD    Conferences:Registrations
     51.50 USD    1030.00 USD     978.50 USD    Donations
     11.27 USD     225.33 USD     214.06 USD    Merchandise
   2482.53 USD   25598.60 USD   23116.07 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0     659.78 USD     659.78 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      1.04 USD              0      -1.04 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.10 USD       2.00 USD       1.90 USD  Income:Donations
      1.14 USD     661.78 USD     660.64 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0    2445.86 USD    2445.86 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0       6.55 USD       6.55 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0    2625.56 USD    2625.56 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      7.00 USD     140.00 USD     133.00 USD  Income:Donations
      7.00 USD    2765.56 USD    2758.56 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0   33570.98 USD   33570.98 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
    373.00 USD              0    -373.00 USD  Expenses
      9.30 USD              0      -9.30 USD    Bank-Fees
    363.70 USD              0    -363.70 USD    IT:Hosting
     59.90 USD    1198.00 USD    1138.10 USD  Income:Donations
    432.90 USD   34768.98 USD   34336.08 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0      28.45 USD      28.45 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0  241308.65 USD  241308.65 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
   4226.56 USD              0   -4226.56 USD  Expenses
     58.25 USD              0     -58.25 USD    Bank-Fees
    912.97 USD              0    -912.97 USD    IT:Hardware
   3255.34 USD              0   -3255.34 USD    Legal
     49.15 USD     995.40 USD     946.25 USD  Income
             0      12.40 USD      12.40 USD    Currency-Gain
     49.15 USD     983.00 USD     933.85 USD    Donations
   4275.71 USD  242304.05 USD  238028.34 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0    2587.46 USD    2587.46 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0    5975.58 USD    5975.58 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0  387806.56 USD  387806.56 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Unrestricted
  20676.39 USD    9337.55 USD  -11338.84 USD  Expenses
   8562.88 USD              0   -8562.88 USD    Accounting
   1036.94 USD       0.05 USD   -1036.89 USD    Bank-Fees
             0    9337.50 USD    9337.50 USD    Disassociation
   9961.97 USD              0   -9961.97 USD    IT
    122.95 USD              0    -122.95 USD      Domains
    239.02 USD              0    -239.02 USD      Hosting
   9600.00 USD              0   -9600.00 USD      Services
    608.00 USD              0    -608.00 USD    Legal
    506.60 USD              0    -506.60 USD    Office:Postal
   1064.54 USD   61921.72 USD   60857.18 USD  Income
             0     112.67 USD     112.67 USD    Currency-Gain
             0   13271.86 USD   13271.86 USD    Donations
             0   27586.92 USD   27586.92 USD    Interest
             0   20950.27 USD   20950.27 USD    Unrealized-Gain
   1064.54 USD              0   -1064.54 USD    Unrealized-Loss
  21740.93 USD  459065.83 USD  437324.90 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0  151070.87 USD  151070.87 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      0.27 USD              0      -0.27 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.21 USD       4.17 USD       3.96 USD  Income:Donations
      0.48 USD  151075.04 USD  151074.56 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0    3249.35 USD    3249.35 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
     10.28 USD              0     -10.28 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
     10.83 USD     216.56 USD     205.73 USD  Income:Donations
     21.11 USD    3465.91 USD    3444.80 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0     678.07 USD     678.07 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      6.46 USD              0      -6.46 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      2.61 USD      51.87 USD      49.26 USD  Income:Donations
      9.07 USD     729.94 USD     720.87 USD

         debit         credit          total
             0     622.09 USD     622.09 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
      1.65 USD              0      -1.65 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
      0.45 USD       9.00 USD       8.55 USD  Income:Donations
      2.10 USD     631.09 USD     628.99 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0   17060.32 USD   17060.32 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted


         debit         credit          total
             0   20377.19 USD   20377.19 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
    147.55 USD              0    -147.55 USD  Expenses
     16.12 USD              0     -16.12 USD    Bank-Fees
    131.43 USD              0    -131.43 USD    IT:Hosting
     15.62 USD     312.31 USD     296.69 USD  Income:Donations
    163.17 USD   20689.50 USD   20526.33 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0  231322.82 USD  231322.82 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted
     19.37 USD              0     -19.37 USD  Expenses:Bank-Fees
    267.56 USD    5351.17 USD    5083.61 USD  Income:Donations
    286.93 USD  236673.99 USD  236387.06 USD


         debit         credit          total
             0    5452.59 USD    5452.59 USD  Equity:Net-Assets:Restricted